
Thursday, February 6, 2025

Your private information has been stolen because of suspicious events.


Would like to introduce myself - I am a specialized hacker, and have succeeded in hacking your operating system.
At this moment, I have obtained a complete access to account of yours.
On top of that, I was also unnoticeably observing all your activities and spying on you for few past months.
It was possible because your computer was infected with malicious spyware, which infiltrated your computer while you were visiting a website containing adult videos.

Give me a few minutes to clarify how that affects you. Because of Trojan viruses, I am now able to have an unrestricted access to your computer as well as any other devices owned by you.
In other words, I can see without any restrictions everything in your screen and even activate the camera together with microphone anytime I want, and you won't even know about that.
Moreover, I have complete access to confidential data of yours including emails, chat history etc.

You may be rightfully puzzled how come your antivirus is not able to detect the harmful software of mine.
I don't mind explaining that at all: my malicious software is driver-based; hence it refreshes its signatures every 4 hours, which makes it impossible for your antivirus to identify it.

I have come up with a video exposing the scenes of your passionate masturbation sessions on the left side, whereas on the right side it shows the dirty videos you were watching during that time .^.

Trust me, it takes several mouse clicks to distribute this video to your entire email addresses list as well as messenger contacts on your PC or other devices.
Additionally, I can easily share all your emails as well as chat history to public too.

I honestly think you would certainly like to abstain from letting that happen.
There is a solution for you in this case - perform 950 USD transfer in Bitcoin equivalent to Bitcoin account of mine
(it is really not difficult to do, and you can find online the step-by-step guide, if you have no idea about it).

My bitcoin account details are below as follows (Bitcoin wallet):12vxjNEg6i3L1kopjfoQ7YXAet1TGS6H5P

Once the aforementioned amount gets transferred to my account, I will straight away erase all those kinky videos and vanish from your life completely.
Please, settle this payment within 50 hours (2 days).
A notification will be sent to me right after this email gets opened, which will trigger the countdown.

Believe me, I am very cautious, professional and never fail.
If I get to know about you sharing this message with anyone else, I will right away distribute your private videos to public.

Best of luck!

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Your time is almost up.

Hello ԁear,
There is no reason to relax at all but you ԁon’t need to panic and have to read my message carefullẏ.
It is really important, moreover, it’s crucial for ẏou.

Joking asiԁe, I mean it. you don’t knoω ẇho I am but I am more than familiar with ẏou.
Probably, noẇ the onlẏ question that torments your mind is hoẇ, am I correct?
ẇell, your internet behavior was very indiscreet and I’m prettẏ sure, you knoẇ it ωell. So do I.

ẏou were broωsing embarrassing νiԁeos, clicking unsafe links and νisiting ωebsites that no ordinary man would νisit.
I secretly embedded malware into an adult site, and you unknoωingly wandered right into it. Just like a blind kitten,
ẏou ԁidn’t knoω the danger that ωas just near ẏou.

ẇhile you ẇere busy ωith ẏour suspicious Internet actiѵity, your sẏstem ẇas breached bẏ Remote Desktop Protocol, granting me unrestricted access to your deѵice.
From that moment, I received the abilitẏ to obserѵe eνerything happening on ẏour screen, and ԁiscreetlẏ activate ẏour camera and microphone, and you ωouldn’t eνen realize it.
Thank ẏou, I knoẇ, I am a smart guẏ.
Since then and until noẇ I have been monitoring ẏour internet actiѵities.
Honestlẏ, I ẇas prettẏ upset ẇith the things I saẇ.

I was daring to ԁelve far beẏonԁ into ẏour digital footprint—call it excessiνe curiosity, if you ẇill.
The result? An extensiνe stash of sensitiνe data extracted from your deѵice, eνerẏ corner of your ẇeb actiѵitẏ examined ωith scientific precision.
To make matters more... intriguing, I’νe saѵed these recorԁings—clips that capture you partaking in, let’s say, prettẏ controѵersial moments ẇithin the privacẏ of your home.

These νiԁeos and snapshots are damningly clear: one siԁe reѵeals the content you ẇere ωatching, and the other...
ẇell, it features ẏou in situations ωe both know you ẇouldn’t ωant to be published for public viewing.
Suffice it to say, I have all the pieces of the puzzle—images, recordings, and details of the far too viviԁ pictures.
Pictures ẏou definitely ẇoulԁn’t want anyone else to see.

Hoωever, ωith just a single click, I could reνeal this to eѵery contact you have—no exceptions, no filters.
Now you are hoping for a rescue, I understanԁ. But let me be clear: ԁon’t expect anẏ mercy or second chances from me.
Noẇ, here’s the deal: I’m offering you a waẏ out. Two choices, and ωhat happens next depends entirelẏ on your ԁecision.

Option One: Pretenԁ this message doesn’t exist. Ignore me, and you’ll quicklẏ discoνer the consequences of that choice.
The ѵiԁeo ẇill be shareԁ with ẏour entire netẇork. ẏour colleagues, friends, and familẏ ẇill have front-roω seats to a spectacle ẏou’d rather theẏ never saw.
Imagine their reactions. Holy shit, what an embarrassment! well, actions haνe consequences. Don’t play the ѵictim—this is on ẏou.

Option Two: Paẏ me to keep this matter buried.
Consider it a privacy fee—a small price to ensure ẏour secrets remain ẇhere theẏ belong: hiԁԁen.
Here’s how it ωorks: once I receive the paẏment, I’ll erase eѵerything. No leaks. No traces. ẏour life continues as if nothing eѵer happeneԁ. The paẏment must be made in crẏptocurrency—no exceptions.
I’m aiming for a resolution that ẇorks for us both, but let me emphasize: mẏ terms are final and non-negotiable.

990 USD to mẏ Bitcoin aԁdress below (remoνe anẏ spaces): 1KKo 7QtKcW wFLXEiRh 8xmGG v3MbBjn 7LzC

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Get Certified with Diploma Now

Convert Diploma into Certification 2025 GPT
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Global Academy of Financial Management ™

The First USA Certification Body to be EU Accredited, IOAS Recognized, and ISO 29993 Certified

Convert Your Diploma to a Professional Certification Today



If you have a course completion documents and  course attendance certificates, we can help.  

We can convert your online certificates into REAL PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATION !  Act today, and  email your qualifying resume for review and approval.

Apply Now at

Certifications Offered:

  • Project Management – MPM Master Project Manager ®
  • Financial Planning – ChFM Chartered Financial Manager ®
  • Human Resources – CHR Certified in Human Resources ®
  • Wealth Management – CWM Chartered Wealth Manager ®
  • Risk Management – CRA Certified Risk Analyst ®
  • Financial Analyst – AFA Accredited Financial Analyst ®
  • Management Consultant – MMC Master Management Consultant ®

Email your resume to:

* Qualified Exams/Courses, Master’s holders, PhD, CPA, and Lawyer applicants are also welcome.

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Media LLC
1670-F East Cheyenne Mtn Blvd, Box 293 Colorado Springs, CO 80906

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Covert Diploma to Certification - New Certifications 2025

New Certifications for Managers - Accredited Programs
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 GAFM Global Academy of Finance & Management ®  

In This Issue

1. New Certifications
2. Requirements
3. Accreditation
4. New Training
5. Free Newspaper
6. Books

Magazine of Wall Street  

The GAFM o® wns the oldest  Financial Analyst Magzine. You can subscribe for free


The GAFM is the first certification body to achieve SIS & TUV Sanction and ISO 29990-29993 Educational Body Certification and later ESQ Europe Accreditation.


Allied with 1000 Business Schools Worldwide

The GAFM is the first certification body to have a certification standards agreement with business school accreditation agencies. 

ACBSP GAFM Agreement



APPLY TO BE CERTIFIED WITH YOUR EXISTING DEGREE AND CREDENTIALS.  * We offer professional designations and certifications to those who completed accredited exams and courses from accredited business schools worldwide under legal agreements.


Email Now with

Your Qualifying Resume for Certification

Email To:

The Accredited GAFM ® has several new certifications for qualified candidates.

  1. AFA Accredited Financial Analyst ®
  2. ChFM Chartered Financial Manager ® 
  3. CWM Chartered Wealth Manager ®
  4. MFP Master Financial Planner ®
  5. CRA Certified Risk Analyst ®
  6. AMA Accredited Management Accountant ®
  7. MMC Master Management Consultant ® 
  8. ChE Chartered Economist ®
  9. CIPM Certified International Project Manager ® 
  10. CTEP Chartered Trust and Estate Planner ®
  11. RBA Registered Business Analyst
  12. MPM Master Project Manager ®
  13. CHR Certified in Human Resources ®
  14. CHFP Chartered FinTech Professional ®

Accredited by the ECLBS, QAHE, IAO in Europe and ISO 21001 Certified for Education Training. ISO 29993 Certified and SIS Sanctioned for Education.

Announcement - The GAFM International Board of Standards is the 1st Certification Body to earn SIS Sanction and ECLBS/QAHE Accreditation and become ISO 9001, ISO 29990, ISO 29993,  & become ISO 21001 Certified or Educational Training Standards

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What do you need to be Approved? GAFM ®  Requires thes 3 things for Certification Approval

1) Accredited Graduate Degree or Masters Degree
2) 3 Years of Experience
3) Agree to Ethics and Continuing Education Requirements.
4) Those with an MBA, MSc, CPA or Law Degree or PhD can receive a waiver for certain designations and certifications


Email Your Resume for Certification Review 

Under the ACBSP Accreditation Agreement, you may apply directly. Allied with 1000 Business Schools Worldwide - The GAFM is the first certification body to have a certification standards agreement with business school accreditation agencies. ACBSP GAFM Agreement

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Accreditations of the GAFM ®

  1. CHE  Quality Standards Dept of Education
  2. SIS/IAS Accredited in Europe - Not affected by BREXIT
  3. ISO 9001 Certified - Accredited Quality Management Program
  4. ACBSP Standards Recognition.  Accreditation Standards for Certification. 1st in the World to have standards alliance with USA Business Accreditation Body.
  5. ISO Accredited Training - Bildungsnorm ISO 21001 Certified for Training and ISO 29993.
  6. Accredited by the QAHE and ECLBS
  7. Email to receive your review of your qualified resume and approval.

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Free Wealth Newspaper for Members

Magazine of Wall Street  

The GAFM ® owns the oldest  Financial Analyst Magazine. You can subscribe for free

New Books - Wealth Management Books 

Wealth Management Guides

Making Money - Guide to Investing - How You Can Be a BadAss Intelligent Investor and Wealth Manager: Unshakeable Life Changing Financial Strategies ... (Making Money Guide to Investing Series #1) 


Online Certification Programs - We have several online programs that can be delivered to individuals and groups. Email us direclty if you need accredited certification training online.

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Financial Certification -  Media LLC
1670-F East Cheyenne Mtn Blvd
Box 293
Colorado Springs, CO 80906
Fax: 419-828-4928


About LINKS - Recognition * Requirements * Certification * Education




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Media LLC
1670-F East Cheyenne Mtn Blvd, Box 293 Colorado Springs, CO 80906

Friday, November 29, 2024

Your PM Certification Nomination Approval

PM Certification News
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Certified Project Manager Professional Institute  

 Home  * About CertificationRecognition


Accredited Project Management Programs ...

Earn Project Management Certifications Online

We are the only EU Accredited Project Management Body who can provide direct certification training to your staff, employees or in public trainings. We are SIS Sanctioned and ISO 21001 Certified and ISO 29993 Certified.

1) MPM Master Project Manager  ®

Email your resume to us for revew. We can determine within 48 Hours if you are pre-qualified for certification based on your PM degree, diploma, or training. If you are not pre-qualified, you can take on of the approved PM VIP Courses offered in over  40 other countries. Email your resume to 

2) MMC Master Management Consultant  ®

To Apply for MMC Certification, Email your resume to

3) CHR Certified in Human Resources ®

To Apply for CHR Certification, Email your resume to

4) CRA Certified Risk Analyst ® (Certified Project Risk Manager)

To Apply for CPRM Certification, Email your resume to

5) CIPM Certified International Project Manager ®

To Apply for CIPM Certification, Email your resume to


5) PE Certified Planning Engineer ®

To Apply for CPE Certification, Email your resume to

7) For Group or Corporate Certification Training, Contact Us Directly for a BID

To get a bid for Group Certification Training, Email your request to 


CERTIFICATION WAIVERS - Under our Accreditation Agreements,  your accredited degree and diploma courses and exams count toward the education and assessment requirements.   To Reserve Your Nomination, Please email your Qualifying Resume direct to and make payment securely here:  Registration Payment for CIPM Certification   If you have an accredited diploma and 3 years of PM experience, we can review and approve your Certification Application.  Email Your Qualifying Resume and Specify the Certification You are Seeking. Email
MILITARY WAIVERS - 4 groups are qualified for a waiver for certification: 1) Warrant Officers: W-2 and above: Minimum 2 years in a Leadership Position. 2) Officers of O-2 and above: Minimum 2 years in a Leadership Position. 3) Enlisted E-6 and above: Minimum 2 years experience in a Leadership Position; restricted to BNCOC graduates and above ( BNCOC is Basic Non Commissioned Officers Course; which is where an E-6 is trained thoroughly on their specified job description ) 4) All high ranking retired officers from the armed forces who have an accredited degree. Email Your Qualifying Resume and Specify the Certification You are Seeking. Email

AAPM American Academy of Project Management * ISO 21001 Certified  

Graduate Requirements for Certification and Designation ...
  • Accredited PM related Diploma/Degree or Qualifying Military Rank
  • 3 Years of Experience in PM related areas.
  • Agree to AAPM Ethics Guidelines
  • Agree to Annual Continuing Education or Conference
Email Your Qualifying Resume and Specify the Certification You are Seeking. Email
Globally Recognized Accreditation and Standards ...
  • IAF/IAS SIS Recognized in Europe EU European Union
  • ISO 9001 Certified Quality Management Program
  • ISO 21001 Certified Education Body.
  • ISO 29993 Accredited Training - Bildungsnorm ISO 29993 Certified for Training over the last several years. ISO 29990 is now 21001.
  • IAO QAHE ACCREDITED - ISO 9001:2008 Certified Quality Standards
  • CHEA Council of Higher Education International Quality Group (CIQG) Signatory to the New Global Standards.
  • ACBSP Business Articluation Alliance - Graduates from Top Business Schools have Preferential Treatment.
  • Read our Global Recognition   
AAPM Certification Body USA - 1670-F  East Cheyenne Mtn Blvd., Colorado Springs, CO 80906
CIPM Certified International Project Manager ®
MPM Master Project Manager ®
Fax Resume - 419-828-4923
© All rights Reserved

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Media LLC
1670-F East Cheyenne Mtn Blvd, Box 293 Colorado Springs, CO 80906

Thursday, November 7, 2024

Delivery status notification.

I am a hacker, and I have successfully gained access to your operating system.<br>
I also have full access to your account.<br>
I've been watching you for a few months now.<br>
The fact is that your computer has been infected with malware through an adult site that you visited.<br>
If you are not familiar with this, I will explain.<br>
Trojan Virus gives me full access and control over a computer or other device.<br>
This means that I can see everything on your screen, turn on the camera and microphone, but you do not know about it.<br>
I also have access to all your contacts and all your correspondence.<br>
Why did your antivirus not detect malware?<br>
Answer: The malware I used is driver-based, I update its signatures every 4 hours. Hence your antivirus is unable to detect its presence.<br>
I made a video showing how you satisfy yourself in the left half of the screen, and the right half shows the video you were watching at the time.<br>
With one mouse click, I can send this video to all your emails and contacts on your social networks.<br>
I can also make public all your e-mail correspondence and chat history on the messengers that you use.<br>
If you don't want this to happen, transfer $1370 in Bitcoin equivalent to my Bitcoin address (if you do not know how to do this, just search "buy bitcoin" on Google).<br>
My Bitcoin address (BTC Wallet) is: bc1qejcsp6kekz8z3dlra7aje6j8r53fmhgmpgj3qj<br>
After confirming your payment, I will delete the video immediately, and that's it. You will never hear from me again.<br>
I will give you 50 hours (more than 2 days) to pay. I will get a notice, when you open this email, and the timer will start.<br>
Filing a complaint somewhere does not make sense because this email cannot be tracked like my Bitcoin address.<br>
I never make any mistakes.<br>
If I find that you have shared this message with someone else, the video will be immediately distributed.<br>
Best regards!

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Read this email or something terrible will happen.

<Good afternoon, my naive comrade.>

<Unfortunately, this letter will divide your life into before and after.>
<However, the good news is that it will teach you a lot.>

<For example, what you can and can't do on the internet, how to treat your online security properly, and how not to leave digital footprints.>
<Most likely, you have heard about Russian hacker groups such as Cozy Bear, Killnet and others. Well, we work for them.>

<I hate to say it, but you have got in our mess.>
<In addition to our hacking activities, we are also running on the lookout for various suspicious online accounts that we would like to make money on.>
<We guess you are beginning to realize how we located you.>

<All normal people have their own sexual preferences.>
<However, what you are trying to find on the internet doesn't fit into any, even the loosest moral standards.>
<Now we have your search requests and your webcam footage while you are pleasuring yourself.>

<We set a timer for public release. Nevertheless, don't worry, there's good news also.>
<Money is our only interest. Even among us, there are some strange persons, but they bring us so much profit that we ignore their deviations.>

<In this case, YOU should bring us the profit. For $1350 you and us will forget about each other forever.>
<You have 48 hours from the moment you open this email to transfer this $1350. We will be notified when you read the letter.>
<Here is the address of the Bitcoin wallet you should use for the payment:>>> 1E3yQDCaMNe2NjanoM1nJtasUZy6Xkzg6z <<<

<Countdown has started, don't keep us waiting.>
<Otherwise, all your friends, colleagues and relatives will get a copy of your records: search history, webcam videos and even personal messages.>
<!Do not forward this message to anyone, including the police. Doing so will result in the automatic posting of all information about you. We monitor what you are doing.>
<!Do not reply to this message. It was sent from a disposable email account, you can't reply it, this email address is untraceable.>

<If you haven't used crypto before everything is simple. Just google it.>
<That's the end of our message. As they say, we hope for a fruitful cooperation. Otherwise, this will all end badly for you.>
<Goodbye, and hopefully this is our last interaction.>

<P. S. Remember for the future, the Internet is not some kind of a Wild West where you can do anything you want.>
<There is a wholesome shiver of hungry sharks searching for irresponsible persons like you.>

Monday, September 16, 2024

Professional Certification in Business

New Certifications for Managers - Accredited Programs
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Global Academy of Finance and Management ®  

In This Issue

1. New Certifications
2. Requirements
3. Accreditation
4. New Training
5. Free Newspaper
6. Books
Email Your Qualifying Resume for Certification  to

Business Certification 

The GAFM ® offers certificaions in business to qualified professionals who have taken courses and exams.


The GAFM is the first USA certification body to be EU and 21001  Accredited and ISO 29990 Education Certified.  


Allied with 1000 Business Schools Worldwide

The GAFM is the first certification body to have a certification standards agreement with business school accreditation agencies. 

ACBSP GAFM Agreement



We offer professional designations and certifications to those who complete accredited exams and courses from top accredited business schools worldwide under legal agreements.

You may be pre-qualified under the legal rules.

Click Here to Apply

New Certifications from GAFM ®



The Accredited GAFM ® has several new certifications for members and candidates.

  1. ChFM Chartered Financial Manager ®
  2. AFA Accredited Financial Analyst ®
  3. AMA Accredited Management Accountant ®
  4. CWM Chartered Wealth Manager ®
  5. MMC Master Management Consultant ® 
  6. ChE Chartered Economist ®
  7. CIPM Certified International Project Manager ® 
  8. MFP Master Financial Planner ®
  9. CRA Certified Risk Analyst ®
  10. CTEP Chartered Trust and Estate Planner ®
  11. RBA Registered Business Analyst
  12. MPM Master Project Manager ®

Email Your Qualifying Resume for Certification  to

Click Here to Apply

Announcement - The GAFM International Board of Standards is the 1st Certification Body to earn TUV & ESQ Accreditation and become ISO 21001 Certified & ISO 29993 Certified or Educational Training Standards

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GAFM ®  Application Requirements for Certification Approval

1) Accredited Graduate Degree or Masters Degree
2) 3 Years of Experience
3) Agree to Ethics and Continuing Education Requirements.
4) Those with a CPA or Law Degree or PhD can receive a waiver for certain designations and certifications


Email Your Qualifying Resume for Certification  to

Under the ACBSP Accreditation Agreement, you may apply directly. Allied with 1000 Business Schools Worldwide - The GAFM is the first certification body to have a certification standards agreement with business school accreditation agencies. ACBSP GAFM Agreement

Email Your Qualifying Resume for Certification  to

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Accreditations of the GAFM ®

  1. IAO, QAHE and ELCBS Accredited
  2. Accredited in Europe - Not affected by BREXIT
  3. ISO 21001 Certified Education Body
  4. ISO 9001 Certified - Accredited Quality Management Program
  5. ACBSP Standards Recognition.  Accreditation Standards for Certification. 1st in the World to have standards alliance with USA Business Accreditation Body.
  6. ISO Accredited Training - Bildungsnorm ISO 29990 Certified for Training
  7. Previously accredited TUV and ESQ
  8. SIS Licensed
  9.  IAZ and IAO Accredited
  10. Arab Academy Accredited

Email Your Qualifying Resume for Certification  to

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Free Wealth Newspaper for Members

Magazine of Wall Street  

The GAFM ® owns the oldest  Financial Analyst Magazine. You can subscribe for free


New Books - Wealth Management Books 

Wealth Management Guides

Making Money - Guide to Investing - How You Can Be a BadAss Intelligent Investor and Wealth Manager: Unshakeable Life Changing Financial Strategies ... (Making Money Guide to Investing Series #1) 



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Financial Certification -  Media LLC
1670-F East Cheyenne Mtn Blvd
Box 293
Colorado Springs, CO 80906
Fax: 419-828-4928


About LINKS - Recognition * Requirements * Certification * Education




To be removed from this list please visit manage subscription to unsubscribe.

Media LLC
1670-F East Cheyenne Mtn Blvd, Box 293 Colorado Springs, CO 80906