You know what.....I just realized something.
There's only 25 DAYS UNTIL CHRISTMAS!!!!!
Isn't that great???
I'm not so much as excited about the presents as I am about the actual Christmas SEASON---since I love baking cookies and pulling out all the decorations and all that good stuff. =)
I'll post a pic of our tree soon, it looks pretty great this year!
Monday, November 30, 2009
I'm back.....
But---unfortunately---I didn't complete NaNoWriMo. =(
I'm really disappointed. I wanted to complete it SOOO bad, but I didn't realize how many words 50,000 really IS.
It's alot.
Trust me.
Since I no longer have NaNoWriMo to work on, I will be posting more, and checking my e-mails, and all the other stuff I haven't been doing in a while. =/
Hope to hear from you readers soon! I haven't been getting any comments.....=(
Happy (belated) Thanksgiving!
But---unfortunately---I didn't complete NaNoWriMo. =(
I'm really disappointed. I wanted to complete it SOOO bad, but I didn't realize how many words 50,000 really IS.
It's alot.
Trust me.
Since I no longer have NaNoWriMo to work on, I will be posting more, and checking my e-mails, and all the other stuff I haven't been doing in a while. =/
Hope to hear from you readers soon! I haven't been getting any comments.....=(
Happy (belated) Thanksgiving!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Be back soon.....
Hey Everyone,
Since I'm behind on NaNoWriMo, I probably won't be blogging until the end of November. I've been trying to write in all my spare time, but I didn't want to leave you wondering where I was.
See you soon!
Since I'm behind on NaNoWriMo, I probably won't be blogging until the end of November. I've been trying to write in all my spare time, but I didn't want to leave you wondering where I was.
See you soon!
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Hey Everyone,
Sorry I haven't posted for two days, Friday I was gone all day, and yesterday I didn't feel like getting on the computer.
I still need your ideas on what to post about, like a theme, or a series or something.
Don't worry, I haven't forgotton about posting a sneek peek of my novel, I'll do that soon.
Right now I'm kinda behind on it though, so I'll probably go work on it now.
I'll post more soon!
Sorry I haven't posted for two days, Friday I was gone all day, and yesterday I didn't feel like getting on the computer.
I still need your ideas on what to post about, like a theme, or a series or something.
Don't worry, I haven't forgotton about posting a sneek peek of my novel, I'll do that soon.
Right now I'm kinda behind on it though, so I'll probably go work on it now.
I'll post more soon!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Everything is Normal

Well, today has been pretty normal, no mocha's exploding, puppy's getting fixed, or anything new on NaNoWriMo. (BTW, my word count is about 8,100 right now)
I'm holding Zoro, who's squirming to get away, so I'm not getting this done very fast. (I'm typing one-handed) He is very adorable, and cuddly, but at the moment he S-T-I-N-K-S!!!!! We forgot to give him a bath the night before his surgery, so he went to the vet stinky, and came home even stinkier.
And you can't give them a bath for TWO WEEKS.
So we are very anxious for Wednesday to arrive!!!
But other than the little smell issue, he is a very sweet and adorable puppy. Sometimes he nips, and goes in the kitchen in search of any morsel of food when he's not supposed to, but we don't stay mad very long. He is of course punished with the spray bottle, since Chihuahuas HATE water!
In some ways Chihuahuas are like cats, they hate water, love heat, (Both Allie and Zoro will lay in the sun for HOURS) and have to have food and water at all times. Their personalty is pretty similar too, a little stuck up, (Other Chihuahuas, not so much Zoro) harder to train, and love to chase anything that moves. The laser-pointer was a good toy until Allie figured out that the little red, "Bug" came from the little stick thing we were waving around.
Zoro still chases it. =)
So, anyway, I hope I haven't bored you, I really didn't know where I was going with that post, lol. =)
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Playin' with blocks---lol!
Okay, since nobody gave me any ideas to post about, I'm going to have to punish you by blogging about playing with blocks.
Just kidding!
I do want to show you a picture of the game of Tumble Tower Dane and I were playing Tuesday night, which got very nerve wracking, until Dane FINALLY knocked it over!
The picture you see below is about six rounds before it finally fell down. So it was even taller than this when it collapsed.
When we started it looked like this, so we almost build it twice as high as the original.
Just kidding!
I do want to show you a picture of the game of Tumble Tower Dane and I were playing Tuesday night, which got very nerve wracking, until Dane FINALLY knocked it over!
The picture you see below is about six rounds before it finally fell down. So it was even taller than this when it collapsed.

The American Hero
The American Hero
by Roger Robicheau
The American Hero always comes through
To capture our hearts with a spirit so true
Some proudly are soldiers who march in harm’s way
Insuring our freedom, courageous they stay
While others come forth as civilians so brave
Determined in purpose, so steadfast to save
We should always keep clear a place in our heart
For each has a value beyond precious art
Their duty to country will not be surpassed
Please honor their courage, for some it’s their last
We live in a world which can be hard to bear
Thank God for these people, how greatly they care
Do ponder new heroes and what they will face
And pray for their safety no matter their place
Our heritage brings out the best, we all know
Our great book of heroes is destined to grow
Isn't that a good poem??? I usually hate them, but this one I like.
by Roger Robicheau
The American Hero always comes through
To capture our hearts with a spirit so true
Some proudly are soldiers who march in harm’s way
Insuring our freedom, courageous they stay
While others come forth as civilians so brave
Determined in purpose, so steadfast to save
We should always keep clear a place in our heart
For each has a value beyond precious art
Their duty to country will not be surpassed
Please honor their courage, for some it’s their last
We live in a world which can be hard to bear
Thank God for these people, how greatly they care
Do ponder new heroes and what they will face
And pray for their safety no matter their place
Our heritage brings out the best, we all know
Our great book of heroes is destined to grow
Isn't that a good poem??? I usually hate them, but this one I like.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Let us remember.....
Let us remember all who have served and died for us!
May we keep them in our prayers, and not only remember them one day per year, but each and every day, since they serve US not only one day per year, but everyday!

This is my very, well, INTERESTING cat, Allie!
Here is a little bit of information on her:
FULL NAME: Allie Miranda Veasman
AGE: 5 1/2
BIRTHDAY: Probably sometime in August. We tell her Happy Birthday on the 15Th.
WEIGHT: About 16 lbs.
PERSONALITY: Sweet, grouchy, the usual cat.
MEDICAL ISSUES: Only that she's a little overweight.
We got her from a little cat shelter almost four years ago, about six days after our other cat, Midnight died. The shelter is called "Almost Home Adoptions" which I think is a great name! When we first brought her home she was so skinny we could feel her ribcage, and she was scared to death! She went and hid behind a couch, (talk about skinny!) and we couldn't get her out of there for a while.
Once she got comfortable with us, she began acting allot like Midnight, so we think he left a list of Kitty-Rules in the litter box or something. =)
Here's what we think they are:
- Always lay at the top of stairs or in hallways where they trip over you (No worries, they never step on you)
- Right after they vacuum the entire house, scratch, run around like a mad cat, and shed as much fur as possible on the fresh carpet.
- Demand fresh water in the morning/evening.
- Rub yourself all over the clothes that your fur shows up on the most.
- Never let them brush you. ESPECIALLY before they vacuum!!!
- Always lay in Dad's chair, preferably before dinner.
- Rub your paws on the edge of the piano seat.
- When they are gone, jump up on the dining room table and knock over all the water glasses.
- When they leave, sit up in the living room window, so you won't get in trouble for doing it while they are home.
- Never let them forget about feeding you.
- Play in the clean laundry.
- When they get home, greet them at the top of the stairs with an innocent meow.
Believe me, Allie follows these rules to a T! It's pretty funny, because Midnight did all this stuff too.
I just love cats. Don't you? =)
Monday, November 9, 2009
New Poll!
BTW, there's a new poll!
I still haven't decided if I'm gonna do music.....=/
Thanks for participating on BBM!
I still haven't decided if I'm gonna do music.....=/
Thanks for participating on BBM!
What should I post about?
I need a little help!
Well.....I guess since there's really nothing else to post about that I can think of---I'll post about my day.
I got up this morning and did my reading, then I had breakfast,
*munch munch*
Did Geography, Writing, History, Science and spelling, then had lunch,
*munch munch*
Then did math. I had to do two lessons today since I forgot to do it on Friday after my home school classes, one regular lesson, and a chapter test.
And guess what.....
I GOT AN A-!!!
I know that may not sound like something to be very proud of, but for someone who's been struggling to get something better than a D, I an pretty happy!!!
Since then I've been working on NaNoWriMo, which is going well, except I'm a little bit behind.
Okay, I'm actually a little more than a 'little' behind. About 8,000 words to be precise.
It seems like no matter how much I type, I can never catch up to my daily goal! But it's not like I don't know what to write, I've pretty much got my whole novel written down in my brain, it's just getting it onto my laptop that's the issue. =/
I guess I'll just keep working toward 50,000 one word at a time.....
What should I post about?
I need a little help!
Well.....I guess since there's really nothing else to post about that I can think of---I'll post about my day.
I got up this morning and did my reading, then I had breakfast,
*munch munch*
Did Geography, Writing, History, Science and spelling, then had lunch,
*munch munch*
Then did math. I had to do two lessons today since I forgot to do it on Friday after my home school classes, one regular lesson, and a chapter test.
And guess what.....
I GOT AN A-!!!
I know that may not sound like something to be very proud of, but for someone who's been struggling to get something better than a D, I an pretty happy!!!
Since then I've been working on NaNoWriMo, which is going well, except I'm a little bit behind.
Okay, I'm actually a little more than a 'little' behind. About 8,000 words to be precise.
It seems like no matter how much I type, I can never catch up to my daily goal! But it's not like I don't know what to write, I've pretty much got my whole novel written down in my brain, it's just getting it onto my laptop that's the issue. =/
I guess I'll just keep working toward 50,000 one word at a time.....
Sunday, November 8, 2009
What do you want me to blog about on BBM?
Some sort of theme, maybe?
Any ideas?
Please comment and let me know!
P.S. Anybody want a sneak peek of my novel? (Still untitled at this time) Comment if you do!
What do you want me to blog about on BBM?
Some sort of theme, maybe?
Any ideas?
Please comment and let me know!
P.S. Anybody want a sneak peek of my novel? (Still untitled at this time) Comment if you do!
Saturday, November 7, 2009
New poll
Real quick I just wanted to let you know that there's a new poll.
Please vote! Only open one week.
Gonna go work on NaNoWriMo!
Real quick I just wanted to let you know that there's a new poll.
Please vote! Only open one week.
Gonna go work on NaNoWriMo!
Have you ever heard of the "Magic Bullet"?
It's a special kind of blender that looks like, (you guessed it!) a bullet. We just bought one the other day, and it's really handy for making smoothies and such. I like to drink a smoothie per day, and the bullet is very nice because it doesn't make a huge mess like a regular blender.
Well anyway, the Magic Bullet comes with a little recipe book, and earlier today my mom and I decided to try a iced mocha recipe out of it. But instead of using coffee, (We aren't coffee drinkers, except for an occasional Starbucks) we used a powder that tastes and smells like coffee, but doesn't have the caffeine. (I'd tell you what it is, but I forgot what it's called)
We put the ingredients into the bullet, and thought it looked a little full, but we were sure it would be okay, and not spill over or anything like that.
I was just about to turn it on when the doorbell rang, (of course) and Mom went to see who it was. I waited for a minute, but she didn't come back, so I figured it was somebody we knew and it would be okay if I started it up. I pushed it down and locked it on, and the bullet started to work on making our mocha.
Now, you need to understand that the magic bullet doesn't have an on/off switch. To turn it on you plug it in and push down on the jar thingy that has the ingredients in it. You can either keep holding it down or twist and lock it into place. I, of course, locked it.
It was doing fine for a moment---then, poof!
Mocha began pouring out of the lid and down the bullet onto the stove, then onto the floor. I, of course, panicked and tried to unlock the thing, but that only made MORE mocha come out since I accidentally pulled the lid off. I finally gave up and pulled the plug---just as Mom headed back into the kitchen.
Now, I wasn't in any trouble or anything, since we didn't know that we could only fill the bullet half as full as we just did, so we both got to work cleaning up all the mocha. I was almost done cleaning the floor when I noticed a little line in the middle of the bullet, that said, FILL MAXIMUM.
So that was my little event for the day, besides cleaning my room. (I was having a hard time writing with my room being a wreck!) Oh, and just so you know, I'm not discouraging getting magic bullets, they really are great.
Just make sure you know where the FILL MAXIMUM is!!!
P.S. For those participating in NaNoWriMo, they are encouraging everyone to try to complete at least 15,000 words by Monday. I'm trying my hardest, but that's a lot of words! =/
It's a special kind of blender that looks like, (you guessed it!) a bullet. We just bought one the other day, and it's really handy for making smoothies and such. I like to drink a smoothie per day, and the bullet is very nice because it doesn't make a huge mess like a regular blender.
Well anyway, the Magic Bullet comes with a little recipe book, and earlier today my mom and I decided to try a iced mocha recipe out of it. But instead of using coffee, (We aren't coffee drinkers, except for an occasional Starbucks) we used a powder that tastes and smells like coffee, but doesn't have the caffeine. (I'd tell you what it is, but I forgot what it's called)
We put the ingredients into the bullet, and thought it looked a little full, but we were sure it would be okay, and not spill over or anything like that.
I was just about to turn it on when the doorbell rang, (of course) and Mom went to see who it was. I waited for a minute, but she didn't come back, so I figured it was somebody we knew and it would be okay if I started it up. I pushed it down and locked it on, and the bullet started to work on making our mocha.
Now, you need to understand that the magic bullet doesn't have an on/off switch. To turn it on you plug it in and push down on the jar thingy that has the ingredients in it. You can either keep holding it down or twist and lock it into place. I, of course, locked it.
It was doing fine for a moment---then, poof!
Mocha began pouring out of the lid and down the bullet onto the stove, then onto the floor. I, of course, panicked and tried to unlock the thing, but that only made MORE mocha come out since I accidentally pulled the lid off. I finally gave up and pulled the plug---just as Mom headed back into the kitchen.
Now, I wasn't in any trouble or anything, since we didn't know that we could only fill the bullet half as full as we just did, so we both got to work cleaning up all the mocha. I was almost done cleaning the floor when I noticed a little line in the middle of the bullet, that said, FILL MAXIMUM.
So that was my little event for the day, besides cleaning my room. (I was having a hard time writing with my room being a wreck!) Oh, and just so you know, I'm not discouraging getting magic bullets, they really are great.
Just make sure you know where the FILL MAXIMUM is!!!
P.S. For those participating in NaNoWriMo, they are encouraging everyone to try to complete at least 15,000 words by Monday. I'm trying my hardest, but that's a lot of words! =/
Friday, November 6, 2009
Poor Zoro. =(
NaNoWriMo word count update: 5,672
Poor Zoro.
The little guy is now almost six months old, (Will be on the 9Th) and got 'Fixed' Wednesday.
Here's a picture of him with his cone on:
Don't you feel sorry for him??? He absolutely HATED the cone, but he had to wear it so he wouldn't lick himself and get an infection.
Poor Zoro.
The little guy is now almost six months old, (Will be on the 9Th) and got 'Fixed' Wednesday.
Here's a picture of him with his cone on:

It was kinda funny though, (In that very tragic sort of way) because every time we would put his cone on, it was as if it paralyzed him. Seriously, he wouldn't move---AT ALL. Not even his eyes. They just fixed on your eyes and started watering up, as if to say, "How could you DO THIS TO ME???"
He isn't wearing it any more though, since he's not licking, and those poor, pleading eyes would kill you if you looked at them to long. =)
Thursday, November 5, 2009
So sorry about posting on NaNoWriMo again, but I just got on their website, and they introduced a NEW PRIZE!
ALL 2009 NaNoWriMo winners will get a FREE paper-back copy of their book! They did this last year, and decided to do it again!
Click here to read more.....
I am defiantly gonna try to win now!!!
Gonna go type my fingers off some more...
ALL 2009 NaNoWriMo winners will get a FREE paper-back copy of their book! They did this last year, and decided to do it again!
Click here to read more.....
I am defiantly gonna try to win now!!!
Gonna go type my fingers off some more...
AHH! My fingers are going to kill me pretty soon. It seems like I've been writing all the time, even though I really haven't made all that much progress. I didn't make it to my 6,668 works goal yesterday, so TODAY I have to get my word count up to 8334.
I even stayed up until midnight last night writing.
I really want to complete this thing, just so I can say I have written quite a bit. Even if I'm only 13.
Hey, never to young to start practicing, right?
If I do complete my goal of 50,000 words, I'll send it to NaNoWriMo between 11/25 and 11/30 to get a special certificate saying I completed NaNoWriMo, a banner for my blog, and my name on the winners page.
There aren't any special prizes for best writing or plot or anything like that, they just want all of the "I'd like to write a novel someday" people to finally sit down and write a novel, even though a 50,000 word novel is pretty short. You can create a bigger goal for yourself, but you'd have to be a really fast typist to complete it!
Now, if you aren't sure you could do 50,000 words, you can go to the home page of NaNoWriMo,
and click on the link for the kids website, for people ages 17 and under, who want a smaller goal.
I hope somebody will join me in NaNoWriMo!
I'll post soon, and hopefully not about NaNoWriMo! Sorry if I'm boring you.....=)
I even stayed up until midnight last night writing.
I really want to complete this thing, just so I can say I have written quite a bit. Even if I'm only 13.
Hey, never to young to start practicing, right?
If I do complete my goal of 50,000 words, I'll send it to NaNoWriMo between 11/25 and 11/30 to get a special certificate saying I completed NaNoWriMo, a banner for my blog, and my name on the winners page.
There aren't any special prizes for best writing or plot or anything like that, they just want all of the "I'd like to write a novel someday" people to finally sit down and write a novel, even though a 50,000 word novel is pretty short. You can create a bigger goal for yourself, but you'd have to be a really fast typist to complete it!
Now, if you aren't sure you could do 50,000 words, you can go to the home page of NaNoWriMo,
and click on the link for the kids website, for people ages 17 and under, who want a smaller goal.
I hope somebody will join me in NaNoWriMo!
I'll post soon, and hopefully not about NaNoWriMo! Sorry if I'm boring you.....=)
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Almost forgot.....
Oh! I almost forgot---You can go see what NaNoWriMo is all about at:
My username is:
Go to the seach page and look me up!
Gotta go write!
My username is:
Go to the seach page and look me up!
Gotta go write!
NaNoWriMo!!! No, that isn't baby gibberish, (even though it kinda sounds like it if you say it fast) it's National Novel Writing Month!
I am still trying to decide if I really want to commit to it, since writing 50,000 words in one month can be a bit, well, frustrating, and maybe, a little, HARD. Especially for me since I'm just a beginner, and the longest thing I've ever written is about 3,000 words. Big difference between 50,000 and 3,000, ya know?
I have been working a little bit on a story I started a few months ago, and so far I have a grand total of.....(drum-roll please) 2,895 words!!! Only 47,105 to go!!! Since it is already the 4Th of November I need to finish up today with at least 6,668, so I've got to write 3,773 tonight.
If I'm able to catch up tonight, (big IF, 3,773 is allot of typing!) I'll continue writing about 1,667 words per day to reach my 50,000 word goal. Whew! I better get with it!
I'll post soon!
I am still trying to decide if I really want to commit to it, since writing 50,000 words in one month can be a bit, well, frustrating, and maybe, a little, HARD. Especially for me since I'm just a beginner, and the longest thing I've ever written is about 3,000 words. Big difference between 50,000 and 3,000, ya know?
I have been working a little bit on a story I started a few months ago, and so far I have a grand total of.....(drum-roll please) 2,895 words!!! Only 47,105 to go!!! Since it is already the 4Th of November I need to finish up today with at least 6,668, so I've got to write 3,773 tonight.
If I'm able to catch up tonight, (big IF, 3,773 is allot of typing!) I'll continue writing about 1,667 words per day to reach my 50,000 word goal. Whew! I better get with it!
I'll post soon!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Hey everyone, and welcome to my blog! I hoping this will be better than shutterfly, since I've been having problems with them for a while. Grrr. Don't you just hate computer issues?
Well, (A very deep subject, lol) anyway, I hope you'll stop by often and read, and I'll try to post everyday. (That's a TRY not a promise!)
Thanks for stoppin' by!
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