Wednesday, February 24, 2010
New Page!
I just wanted to let you know I added a new page to my blog, About me'. Please check it out and tell me what you think, and also, if you have ANY ideas for new pages, PLEASE comment and let me know!
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Valentines Day
Well, ever since the Colt's disappointed me on Sunday, I've had a pretty busy week. (BTW, Saint's Fans, it was pretty cool the Saint's won, it being they're first time in the Superbowl).
Monday, my Dad brought home his bosses Cocker Spaniel, Madi, fro us to Dog-sit until he gets home from Hawaii on Thursday. Madi is really sweet and loves laying in my lap, (which is where she is at the moment) following me around and terrorizing the poor cat.
Tuesday, I pretty much just did school and took care of Madi.
Wednesday, Whew! Wednesday morning we went to a Valentine's Day (even though Valentines day isn't until Sunday) skating party from 10-1 o'clock. I had to rent roller-blades, and that was a pretty interesting experiance. First, I don't think they've ever cleaned those things, I could smell past sweaty socks that had been in them the second the girl at the rental counter handed them to me. (XP)
Second, I had to go back and get another pair of equally-smelly skates because the first pair was WAY to big. Now, I wear a size 8 shoe, and when I finally got a pair of skates that fit my foot, it was a size 5. And the ankle part of that thing was HUGE!!! I probably spent twenty minutes trying to tighten them up to be safe enough to skate on. My friend Trever and my brother Dane had the same issue with they're lovely rentals.
Third, the laces on the rental skates were very slippery, so they didn't stay tight very long. Plus, they were to short to double-knot. Great. So every half hour or so I would have to tighten up my laces of risk breaking an ankle.
Anyway, even with all the trouble of renting skates, it was a lot of fun. Here's a picture:

Sorry this one is blurry! But this was the best one of us actully skating. From left to right it's, Madison, Laura, Me and Sydney. I must of been saying something when my Mom took this picture, since my mouth is open! =)
So, after the skating party was over I went up to Sydney's house for the afternoon, and that was a lot of fun. =) She lives up in the foothills, so her front yard is like the ultimate sledding hill! And, since it just snowed a couple of days ago, there was enough to sled! On one run Sydney and I decided to sled down a different part of the hill together. So, we piled onto the sled and started off.....only to find that the hill we picked was really BuMpY. Er, so;
Bumpy hill+sitting on a sled=wincing every time I sit down today.
So after our painful experiance sledding, (=D) we went to Sydney's youth group, and that was fun as well. We played volleyball, and then did small groups and sermon, then played basketball until my parents picked me up.
When I finally got home I just collasped into bed. Being gone the entire day and doing a ton of different stuff really wore me out. XP
So, that was the beginning of my week!
I'll have to post about the rest of it later.....=)
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Today is Feb. 7th, SUPERBOWL SUNDAY!
I'm rooting for the Colts, hope they win!!! =)
How about you?