Not much going on 'round here besides school, homework, school, homework, school, etc, etc...........But anyway, I'm doing good, and I decided to jump on here for a second to change the background to something a little more, Autumn-ish. The surfer background wasn't exactly September and October, if you know what I mean. :)
Speaking of Autumn, who's ready for it? Personally, I think summer went by WAY to quickly, and I'm not that excited for Autumn. But, I guess it's inevitable, so I'll just have to prepare to put my summer garb away and pull out some fuzzy sweaters and boots. :) (My skinny jeans have been calling to me all summer long...)
In Colorado, Autumn doesn't just creep slowly in. You can sorta smell it in late August, and then BOOM, suddenly, the crisp air is blowing the brilliantly colored leaves off the trees, you feel the need to pull a scarf out of the closet and extra shirts to layer out of your drawer.
Of course, the leaves on the trees in my backyard aren't really that 'brilliantly colored' yet, for one because our maple tree is dying so the leaves are a more brownish-yellow color, and for another, our aspen tree has never seemed to change to much more than a greeny-yellow. I think the photosynthesis is messed up in that tree. (Also, trees usually suffer in our backyard because we don't have soil, we have clay. Not the most nutritious stuff for roots, if you know what I mean.)
On the other hand, Summer still seems to be fighting Autumn off. It was 90 degrees at our house yesterday, and the scent of Fall was nowhere to be, uh, smelt. I enjoyed sitting in the sunshine for a while with a good book, until I got called into the air-conditioned house for lunch.
So how has Autumn been treating you? Leave me a comment!! :)
XOXO~Mikayla Anne~ :)