I found this really cool tag on one of my friend's blogs, and it looked really fun, so I thought I'd do it. =)
1. Do you believe Jesus is the reason for the season? YES! Jesus is the ONLY reason for the Christmas season!
2. Have you ever been in a Christmas Play? Yeah, I did several when little...
3.What is your favorite thing you get in you stocking? Hmmm...I love everything I get in my stocking. Usually earrings and stuff like that. =)
4. What is your best Christmas memory? Ooo, that's tough one! Probably the year I begged and begged and BEGGED for an American girl doll bed and got it! =)
5. What is your favorite Christmas beverage? Homemade Apple cider and Martinelli's. =9 yum!
6. What do you put on your tree top? A white snowflake/star looking thingie...
7. Where do you get your tree? Our tree isn't real, so we get it out of the crawl space. =)
8. Do you go somewhere for Christmas or do you host? We usually go to my Grandma's in the afternoon, but this year we're doing it at our house.
9. Do you have any traditions? We always have pancakes for breakfast and wake our parents up at 7:00am on the dot!
10. How much do you like Christmas? I love it, Love it, LOVE it!!!
11. What do you do on Christmas Eve? We always go to my Grandparents on my Mom's side and open presents from my uncle and them.
12. What do you do on Christmas Day? We open presents in the morning and then we eat breakfast...This year, we're going to have a family Christmas party at our house, instead of going to my Grandma's like all the year's before.
13. What is your favorite Christmas song? I love Carol of the Bells and the entire Casting Crowns Peace on Earth CD, but if I just had to choose one from that CD, it would be I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day.
14. What do you really want for a gift this year? Wii games and some board games. =)
15. Favorite treat? Ooo, my Granny's apple pie! Mmm! =9
16. Do you usually have a white Christmas? Not as often as you'd expect in Colorado! About every other year or so...
17. How long did you believe in Santa Clause? I never believed in Santa, even though we've always set out cookies and milk for my brother to munch on at midnight!
18. Who's your favorite reindeer? I don't know, they all have cool names...=)
19. The Christmas present you always wanted but never got? An iPod. =)
20. Last one. What is the best thing about Christmas to you? Getting to spend time with family and celebrating the amazing gift of Jesus Christ!
I tag...
Chris and
Merry Christmas!!!