
Friday, December 17, 2010

Sharpening the friend--and the friendless

"'We are all like knives, we can chose to sharpen each other, or we can chose to cut each other down.'"

But how many of us are just sharpening the people we want to sharpen?

For example, you're hanging out with your besties. One of them suddenly blurts out, "I hate myself. I'm so fat and ugly. I wish I was different."

You aren't just going to let that little comment go by unnoticed! So you jump in and try to encourage her. You try to build up her self-esteem. You point out her beautiful eyes or wonderful hair or just flat out tell her she AIN'T fat or ugly!

But what about the unnoticed people? The girl that sits in the corner with her hair covering her face. You see the tears sliding down her face, so you immediately assume something.

We're human. We all do it.

You point her out to your friend and whisper your assumption in her ear. Your friend giggles and says, "No way!" and then says what she thinks is going on. Pretty soon, all these wild stories are going around about the girl in the corner.

But has anyone taken the time to find the truth?


Why not?

Just think about it.

Why do we only encourage the people we want to encourage, and hurt the people we don't know?

Why does the girl in the corner not matter, but all your besties do?

Now, I'm not saying that encouraging your best friends is bad, but what about the people who don't have any friends? We need to reach out to them.

Hear them. Pray for them.

They matter.

So next time you see the girl in the corner, I challenge you to go say hi. Drag your friends along and invite her to sit with you. Tell her she has pretty eyes or cute jeans.

Sharpen her. Let her know that she matters.

Please comment your thoughts, and any experiences you have had with the girl in the corner!


Mikayla Anne

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