Friday, December 17, 2010
Sharpening the friend--and the friendless
But how many of us are just sharpening the people we want to sharpen?
For example, you're hanging out with your besties. One of them suddenly blurts out, "I hate myself. I'm so fat and ugly. I wish I was different."
You aren't just going to let that little comment go by unnoticed! So you jump in and try to encourage her. You try to build up her self-esteem. You point out her beautiful eyes or wonderful hair or just flat out tell her she AIN'T fat or ugly!
But what about the unnoticed people? The girl that sits in the corner with her hair covering her face. You see the tears sliding down her face, so you immediately assume something.
We're human. We all do it.
You point her out to your friend and whisper your assumption in her ear. Your friend giggles and says, "No way!" and then says what she thinks is going on. Pretty soon, all these wild stories are going around about the girl in the corner.
But has anyone taken the time to find the truth?
Why not?
Just think about it.
Why do we only encourage the people we want to encourage, and hurt the people we don't know?
Why does the girl in the corner not matter, but all your besties do?
Now, I'm not saying that encouraging your best friends is bad, but what about the people who don't have any friends? We need to reach out to them.
Hear them. Pray for them.
They matter.
So next time you see the girl in the corner, I challenge you to go say hi. Drag your friends along and invite her to sit with you. Tell her she has pretty eyes or cute jeans.
Sharpen her. Let her know that she matters.
Please comment your thoughts, and any experiences you have had with the girl in the corner!
Mikayla Anne
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Height happy--Just call me Tinkerbell :)
The past few months, I had been feeling pretty insecure about my height. I come from a fairly 'small' family, my Mom is barely 5' 4", 110 pounds, and my Dad tops out at about 5' 9".
So you could say that I'm pretty small myself.
5' 2", 96 pounds to be exact.
All of my friends are taller than me, and when we meet new people together, this is the usual conversation...........
"Oh my are you pretty!" (talking to my friend) "Are you 16?" And then they look at me; "Let me guess, you are her little sister! Are you 12?"
And I would want to slug them, but guess what--I can't reach.
Thankfully the past six months or so I've started to look alot older, but the height thing really throws people off. Barely coming up to my BFF's shoulder doesn't help much.
But you know, the past week, I've really started to enjoy my Tinkerbell-type body.
I've realized that God must want me small for some reason, and I'm OK with that. God has a purpose and a plan for my life, and He has me exactly where he wants me to be, short or not.
Acts 17:26 says;
'From one man he made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live.'
God didn't just toss us into this world to fend for ourselves, He has a master plan for our lives. Everything we do for God is part of His purpose for us being here.
So, short or tall, strong or weak, rich or poor, we are here for a reason, we are placed here by our Heavenly Father.
Always remember that! :)
Signing off,
Height-Happy Tinkerbell (XoXo~Mikayla)
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Spectacular Quote.......
Today I was watching some videos of one of my favorite music artists, Paige Armstrong. She is 20 years old, has one CD 'Wake Up' out in stores, and has an AMAZING story to tell.
I won't type out the entire thing because I have to go eat dinner in a few minutes, but I encourage you to check her website out;
So I was watching one of her videos, and she quoted something a friend told her that I will never forget.
"If the world didn't create beauty, then the world can't define it."
I was like, "Wow." Isn't that an awesome thing to remember??
I mean, God created us. He made us beautiful and unique in our OWN special, precious, ways, and we ARE beautiful!! No matter what the world says, we are beautiful!! Remember that.
God created beautiful, not the world. So why should you let the world tell you what to look like and be?
Anyway, I thought that was awesome!!
PLEASE comment with your thoughts on this, my friends!! :)
XoXo~Mikayla Anne
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
My Ski Story..........
Okay, so yesterday, I went skiing for the first time in my life, and something happened up on the mountain. Here's the story.......... =)
Since it was my first time skiing, I took a 2 hour lesson in the morning. We learned how to turn, stop and get on and off ski-lifts. (Getting off backfired on me later, I got off the chair to late and it swung around and knocked me over, and when I was awkwardly trying to get back up on my skis I got taken out by a snowboarder getting off the lift......).
Anyway, after the lesson, Sydney, Jake, Dane and I all started skiing the green slopes. It was a lot of fun, but the runs were so short we spend more time on the lifts than actually skiing. So after a few hours of greens, we decided to try a blue run. The green runs were so easy, so we thought the blue would just be a little bit more of a challenge.
What and understatement. 'A little bit more of a challenge' is NOT the phrase for the run we went on.
After we rode up the ridiculously slow lift, I took one look at the run and started sweating. It was long, steep and icy. Plus the wind was blowing the snow around, so it was hard to see a times. We all started to go down, but I totally lost everything I had learned and done in the past several hours. I kept crashing because it was so steep, and sliding because of the ice. After about five crash-and-slides I decided to give it up and walk down the slope.
It took me a while to actually get my skis OFF, I had to find a spot where I had some traction so I wouldn't slide down the slope in the middle of taking them off. I finally got my skis situated and started the trek down when a lady stopped in front of me. She asked if I was okay, and I told her yeah, that I had just gotten into more than I could handle and I was gonna walk down.
Well, she wouldn't stand for that. She told me her name was Samantha, and then she told me to put my skis back on that instant, and she was going to teach me how to get down a mountain I can't ski. I was like, "Okayyy....whatever." and put my skis back on.
Samantha showed me how to cut my skis in the snow so I wouldn't keep sliding, and then we started snowplow turning down the slope. It was taking forever, so I finally asked her if I could just slide down. She said a bad word (one of many) and then told me no way, I was gonna learn how to get down a mountain I couldn't ski down if it took the rest of the day.
And it did. We slowplowed our way down the mountain for a while, me near tears every single time I got my tips crossed and face-planted, then slid crazily down the slope until she was able to stop me. She then decided I needed a break from snowplowing, so Samantha taught me how to "slide" parallel to the mountain. It was very slow, and it was killing my shins, but I didn't fall as much, and felt less like a five-year-old when doing that. (Crying in front of anyone makes me feel like a toddler).
We finally got down the first big slope when I saw the best thing I'd ever seen---Dane hiking back up the slope to make sure I wasn't hurt or stuck. I figured we were almost to the bottom at that point, so we told Dane it was okay, he could go back down, and we would be there in a few minutes.
I came over the slope and saw that we weren't even HALFWAY DOWN. (At that moment I was about as mature as my chihuahua). Samantha told me not to worry, that this would go quicker, but I felt like plopping down right there and waiting for Ski Patrol. (Ski Patrol actually came for me later on.....).
I'm pretty sure Samantha had been in the military or something, because she wouldn't let me stop. We started sliding some more, seemly making no progress to me. My blood-sugar was starting to drop--fast--so we had to stop a lot more. (Some of you know my blood-sugar is really weird, it drops at random times, and I start shaking until I have some protein or sugar).
We slowly worked our way down, and I felt like shouting for joy when I saw the bottom of the run. A Ski-Patrol guy came by with a sled and asked if we needed a ride down. I was about to yell, "YES! Get me off of this mountain!" when Samantha told him that we didn't need it, and he snowboarded away.
I think that was the worst temptation I have ever had to push someone down a hill. I wanted to get down to the bottom SO bad, and my only chance to get down without skiing was snowboarding away because of Samantha........ =P
I was shaking so badly it was hard to stand up. Thankfully we only had a little bit more to slowplow before it was at my skiing level. I skied the rest of the way down and a worried Mrs. Duerksen met us at the bottom. She thanked Samantha for helping me, and helped me ski to the lodge and sit down where Sydney helped me get my equipment off. Dane gave me a power bar to get my blood sugar back up, but it took me a long time to stop shaking.
We headed back to the Duerksen's house then, and Mrs. Duerksen feed us more food than I could eat. =) I had a fun day skiing, but next time I go, (and I will go again) I'm staying away from the blue slopes. Maybe after a few years of experience I can try again. =)
So, there's my first skiing adventure! Sorry it's so long.
Do any of you have a good ski story? I'd love to hear them! =)
Have a great week, and Merry Christmas!!
-- The humble shall see their God at work for them. No wonder they will be so glad! All who seek for God shall live in joy. Psalm 69:32
A Christmas lesson with Mary and Martha
I am sorry it has been such a long time since my last post. On the long list of things I must and/or want to accomplish, blogging is usually at the end of the list. I wish it wasn't, but certain things, such as devotions, school, eating and sleeping must come first, and then youth group, church and friends, and then the hustle and bustle of this time of year--which doesn't leave a whole lot of time to do other things, such as sitting down and writing something worth reading and posting to 'Bloggin' by Mikayla'. Okay, so enough of me rambling on. You certainly didn't stop by to read about my schedule. ;)
So now, what to post about that will make you glad you took the time to stop by. Hmm.
How about another some-what random post with alot of rabbit-trails and topics? That seems like the only kind of post I can write. My apologies in advance.
I always have this writing block when I try to write something others will read. I can write pages and pages in my journal, but that is because no one else will ever read it--thankfully! :) I don't have 'Spell Check' in my journal.
Well, how about the obvious--Christmas!! :) I'm sure excited!! Only 16 days away.
One of my very favorite parts of Christmas is the time I get to spend with my family. My Dad is off work for a week or two, I don't have school, and there's plenty of time to hang out together and play board games, create new traditions, and concoct some new goodies in the kitchen. :)
I would love it if you commented with your favorite Christmas
I would have to say mine is spending Christmas eve with my Grandparents on my Mom's side, and Christmas morning with my parents and brother, and the Christmas afternoon with my family on my Dad's side. Lot's of fun, food and presents! I am so thankful to have such great family and
friends to spend the holidays with.
But let's not forget the true meaning of Christmas! Everywhere I go, now that it is so near the 25th, I see more and more frantic parents rushing around the toy section of Target and parents of teenagers stressing out of the price of all the electronic gizmos that are added to the 'Letters to Santa'. More credit cards being maxed out, stressed-out shoppers racing for the last 'Super toy' and store employees wishing they could just go home.
Is this the way the season is supposed to be? Frantic stress because there is so much to do before the in-laws come to town? Anger at the people who are trying to relax and enjoy the season while you are rushing around to everything yourself?
It all reminds me of the story in the Bible (Luke 10) about Mary and Martha. I know you all have probably heard the story many times, but don't turn me off or exit out yet. I hope this will mean something to you.
Martha represents everyone trying to get ready for Christmas. She rushes around, trying to get all her shopping, cooking and decorating done before family and friends arrive. She really would appreciate the help of her sister, Mary.
But Mary is content where she is. She is sitting at Jesus's feet, concentrating on the words he is speaking, learning from Him. She is everyone that is making the most of the Christmas season, and focusing on God, not on presents and preparations.
Martha is frustrated, because her 'TO DO' list just seems to be growing longer and longer, and Mary isn't helping her out a bit. So she goes into the living room where Mary and Jesus are and says, "Lord, isn't Mary supposed to be helping me bake cookies and wrap presents and finish shopping? She is being lazy, leaving me to do all the work!"
But Jesus says,
"Martha, your sister is concentrating on the real meaning on the season. Stop rushing around so, and focus on the true meaning of Christmas. Focus on me, Martha."
Aren't we all 'Marthas' around Christmas? All we focus on is getting everything done. We forget why we even HAVE Christmas!!
So just think about that in the remaining days until December 25th.
Let's all be more like Mary. Slow down and listen to what God has to tell us this Christmas season.
Jesus is the reason for the season! Never forget, my friends! :)
-- The humble shall see their God at work for them. No wonder they will be so glad! All who seek for God shall live in joy. Psalm 69:32
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Oh Autumn.....
Not much going on 'round here besides school, homework, school, homework, school, etc, etc...........But anyway, I'm doing good, and I decided to jump on here for a second to change the background to something a little more, Autumn-ish. The surfer background wasn't exactly September and October, if you know what I mean. :)
Speaking of Autumn, who's ready for it? Personally, I think summer went by WAY to quickly, and I'm not that excited for Autumn. But, I guess it's inevitable, so I'll just have to prepare to put my summer garb away and pull out some fuzzy sweaters and boots. :) (My skinny jeans have been calling to me all summer long...)
In Colorado, Autumn doesn't just creep slowly in. You can sorta smell it in late August, and then BOOM, suddenly, the crisp air is blowing the brilliantly colored leaves off the trees, you feel the need to pull a scarf out of the closet and extra shirts to layer out of your drawer.
Of course, the leaves on the trees in my backyard aren't really that 'brilliantly colored' yet, for one because our maple tree is dying so the leaves are a more brownish-yellow color, and for another, our aspen tree has never seemed to change to much more than a greeny-yellow. I think the photosynthesis is messed up in that tree. (Also, trees usually suffer in our backyard because we don't have soil, we have clay. Not the most nutritious stuff for roots, if you know what I mean.)
On the other hand, Summer still seems to be fighting Autumn off. It was 90 degrees at our house yesterday, and the scent of Fall was nowhere to be, uh, smelt. I enjoyed sitting in the sunshine for a while with a good book, until I got called into the air-conditioned house for lunch.
So how has Autumn been treating you? Leave me a comment!! :)
XOXO~Mikayla Anne~ :)
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Another update on Sam and Cory.....
Oh's been a long time since I've posted!! I'm so sorry about that, (If anyone is still around to read this) but I really am not the most disciplined person when it comes to blogging!
I guess I left off last time asking you to pray for Cory and Sam, and I am pleased to tell you, they are both doing MUCH better. Sam doesn't have to wear his soft cast/splint contraption anymore, and he can walk carefully with crutches. He is able to put all of his weight on his leg, but it's still very weak from not being used for nearly three months, so he can't stand on it for long periods of time. We are so thankful that he healed quickly, and please keep praying for his recovery. He's going to have to have one more surgery to take the metal rods out of his leg that were holding the bone together while he healed. (They put rods in his leg instead of putting a cast on his leg).
Cory is also doing better, both fingers are healing well with no infection. The finger that got cut the worst still looks pretty gross, but it could have been MUCH worse.
Thank you so much for praying for them!!
As for me, we just got home from the BEST vacation ever, to Cannon Beach, Oregon. We went to a Christian Conference Center on the beach, and it was amazing. I met so many awesome teens there, and I'll get to see most of them again next year, since most of us are going back the same week. I'm so excited!!
More soon!! :)
God Bless,
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Update on Sam and Cory--Keep Praying!!
Cory's surgery on Tuesday went VERY smoothly, and it's looking like he will be able to use the two injured fingers later on, if there is no infection or other complications that often happen in cases like this.
Keep praying that everything will keep going smoothly, and that he the fingers will heal quickly so he can play football this season. He's been out for two years because of a torn ACL, and he can finally play again, if his fingers heal fast enough! :)
Sam is also doing better, as far as his leg goes.
It's healing well, and there has been no issues, infection or complications, praise the Lord! But Sam is very depressed right now, partially because of all the pain meds he's on, and also because he can't do anything on his own, or anything in general besides just sit there. He can get around on crutches a little bit, but it's really hard since he can't move his leg at all on his own, plus the cast/brace thing he is in is pretty heavy.
Please keep praying for him as well.
Thank you so much!!
God Bless,
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Prayer Requests!
I have two really urgent prayer requests I'd like you all to pray about.
The first one is for one of my friends brother. His name is Sam, and he's 11.
Sam was riding his ATV and lost control, the ATV went in a ditch, hit a rock, flipped, and landed on top of him. He was able to get it off, but meanwhile he got three puncture wounds in the back of his leg, (In surgery later that found out that one of the punctures was mere centimeters from paralyzing his leg for the rest of his life) and broke his femur. (The really strong bone in your thigh.) It wasn't a bad break, but when he tried to stand up and walk to get help, and the bone completely snapped and went through the back of his thigh.
He knew it was a really bad situation when he was able to stick his finger in one of the puncture wounds--that's how big it was. In desperation he tried crawling across the road to his neighbors house for help, just as a woman in a SUV came over the hill. She was able to see him and slam on the breaks before she hit him, but she was only a few feet from running him over. Thankfully, she was a strong lady, and she was able to load him into her car and move the ATV out of the road, and took him to his house.
Sam's older brother, Will, carried him inside and tried to stop the bleeding and keep him from going into shock while their mom got everything ready to go to the ER. Unfortunately they live about an hour away from the best children's hospital, so by the time they got him there he was in critical condition.
The doctors rushed him into immediate surgery, where they were able to get his leg and puncture wounds fixed, but later they almost had to rush him back into surgery after his mom saw signs of internal injuries on his stomach. (Tests for that came back negative).
Please, please be praying for him and his family. He was released from the hospital three days later, but he's still not doing very good, and his brother is having a hard time getting over holding his bloody brother for two hours, not knowing if he was going to survive.
The other request is for another one of my guy friends, Cory. (He's 16). I'll try to shorten this story!
Cory was at work cutting drywall with his boss, and the knife blade slipped and cut through 90% of the tendon in his pointer fingers and cut a blood vessel, along with cutting off the tip of his middle finger. His boss rushed him to the ER where they were able to sew the tip of his middle finger back on, but they don't know it it will live or not. His pointer finger still needs surgery, and they couldn't get a surgeon in until today. So please pray Cory will be comforted and that the surgery will go smoothly today, and his hand will be usable even though he now has two pretty much useless fingers.
Thank you so, so much my friends, I really appreciate it!
God Bless,
Friday, June 18, 2010
My one and only poem...what do ya think? I know I'm not much of a poet...xP
As I looked upon my Savior
Bleeding on that tree
I wondered why he loved me
So much he'd die for me
I had betrayed him
So many times before
My sins had put him there
On his brow a crown of thorns
Beat into his Holy flesh
Were nails
In his hands
In his feet
His hands out stretched
Out stretched on that cross
For me
Oh Why would he do such a thing?
For someone such as me?
A sinner
Oh why was he on that cross
When the real criminal was me?
His Holy flesh was beaten and torn
While mine was being washed clean
With his blood
Flowing beneath the tree
He washed me clean
Why, oh why did he do this?
Because he loves you
And me
Yea, so that's it. Please honestly tell me what you think of it, what I should change, etc...
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Just one quick thing...
Even with all the craziness of summer break or even if your still in school, remember to spend some time with God everyday. I know it's hard getting up earlier or even just trying to find the time, but make an effort to remember.
Hope I'll have a bit of time to blog again soon!
Friday, June 4, 2010
Oh wow...
My apologies!
So anyway...I'm not sure what I should post about...hmm.
Well, I guess I'll just be random then.
I'm out of school for the summer, (YAYY!!!) and I am REALLY enjoying that!
We got a trampoline about a week ago, and we love it.....except I already hurt my back pretty bad. I can't jump for a while. =(
Uhhh....Hmmm. I don't know what else to post guess that's it! I'll try to post more often!
Sunday, March 14, 2010
God's Grace
Friday, March 5, 2010
I need your input!
I know I've asked you this many times before, but I need your input--again. I just don't know what to do, or post on, or anything! I really need to know what you think. If you can comment that would be great, I don't even know if anybody is reading anymore.
P.S. If you have any ideas for contests, new pages, posts, or themes, please comment!
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
New Page!
I just wanted to let you know I added a new page to my blog, About me'. Please check it out and tell me what you think, and also, if you have ANY ideas for new pages, PLEASE comment and let me know!
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Valentines Day
Well, ever since the Colt's disappointed me on Sunday, I've had a pretty busy week. (BTW, Saint's Fans, it was pretty cool the Saint's won, it being they're first time in the Superbowl).
Monday, my Dad brought home his bosses Cocker Spaniel, Madi, fro us to Dog-sit until he gets home from Hawaii on Thursday. Madi is really sweet and loves laying in my lap, (which is where she is at the moment) following me around and terrorizing the poor cat.
Tuesday, I pretty much just did school and took care of Madi.
Wednesday, Whew! Wednesday morning we went to a Valentine's Day (even though Valentines day isn't until Sunday) skating party from 10-1 o'clock. I had to rent roller-blades, and that was a pretty interesting experiance. First, I don't think they've ever cleaned those things, I could smell past sweaty socks that had been in them the second the girl at the rental counter handed them to me. (XP)
Second, I had to go back and get another pair of equally-smelly skates because the first pair was WAY to big. Now, I wear a size 8 shoe, and when I finally got a pair of skates that fit my foot, it was a size 5. And the ankle part of that thing was HUGE!!! I probably spent twenty minutes trying to tighten them up to be safe enough to skate on. My friend Trever and my brother Dane had the same issue with they're lovely rentals.
Third, the laces on the rental skates were very slippery, so they didn't stay tight very long. Plus, they were to short to double-knot. Great. So every half hour or so I would have to tighten up my laces of risk breaking an ankle.
Anyway, even with all the trouble of renting skates, it was a lot of fun. Here's a picture:

Sorry this one is blurry! But this was the best one of us actully skating. From left to right it's, Madison, Laura, Me and Sydney. I must of been saying something when my Mom took this picture, since my mouth is open! =)
So, after the skating party was over I went up to Sydney's house for the afternoon, and that was a lot of fun. =) She lives up in the foothills, so her front yard is like the ultimate sledding hill! And, since it just snowed a couple of days ago, there was enough to sled! On one run Sydney and I decided to sled down a different part of the hill together. So, we piled onto the sled and started off.....only to find that the hill we picked was really BuMpY. Er, so;
Bumpy hill+sitting on a sled=wincing every time I sit down today.
So after our painful experiance sledding, (=D) we went to Sydney's youth group, and that was fun as well. We played volleyball, and then did small groups and sermon, then played basketball until my parents picked me up.
When I finally got home I just collasped into bed. Being gone the entire day and doing a ton of different stuff really wore me out. XP
So, that was the beginning of my week!
I'll have to post about the rest of it later.....=)
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Today is Feb. 7th, SUPERBOWL SUNDAY!
I'm rooting for the Colts, hope they win!!! =)
How about you?
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Health-Nut Banana Split
Since I work-out five nights a week, I don't eat much sugar. But, that also means I don't get all sorts of special desserts that taste oh-so-good.
So, my Mom has been looking for healthy substitute desserts.
Well, she just happened to find this delicious recipe for a healthy banana spit, and it is good. A lot better than you would expect, for it being so healthy.
Just thought I share it with you. It's extremely easy to make.
Here's a Picture:

All you need is:
1 Banana, cut in half long ways
8 oz. of yogurt, any fruit flavor
1/4 C. of Craisins or dried cranberries
1/4 C. of granola
Put both banana halves in a bowl and put the yogurt on top. You may only want to use half of it. Sprinkle the Craisins and Granola on top of the yogurt.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
My blog has been acting up lately, so I decided to try posting from my
Okay, so now that this is a new year, what should I do on here? I'm not
exactly sure what to post on, and I'm afraid my blog is gonna get boring
pretty soon if I don't come up with a brilliant idea...
Any suggestions?
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Happy New Year!
Wow, it seems like we were just celebrating 2009, and we are now celebrating 2010!
This year totally flew by!
More later!